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The vobble IRC Network

Hi. You've probably reached this page because you've been sent here by a message on, the vobble IRC network. is a private IRC network, only accessible by those privileged enough to either know or be associated with the vobble IRC administrators.

If you are in any doubt as to whether you should have connected to the network, you shouldn't have. Please disconnect now. All access attempts are logged and unauthorised access to or abuse of this IRC network or host will be investigated and you will be reported to your Internet service provider.

Access to this network requires a password. If you don't know the password, you should ask someone who does.

Read This Before Connecting

  • #vobble is a logged channel. If you want to have a private conversation, please go to another channel, or use /msg.
  • Everybody on #vobble is automatically granted the "channel operator" mode. If you try to remove operator status from somebody you will be temporarily evicted from the channel. Please play nicely!

  • Interesting stuff at

    The following services are available for your viewing pleasure:
    All of these services require a password.